“I had a great welcome from everyone… and I felt at home straight away. The studio was light and airy… and the enthusiasm was contagious. I would definitely recommend a residency at KALANIRVANA to other artists.”

— Walid Elzonfly, artist in residence, December 2014

Application: Artist residency applications are being taken on an open basis, year round, for the available for 6 artists at a time and will be assessed by our Selection Panel. Approved applicants may expect a follow-up interview request before a final decision.

Applicants are to submit the following items:

Application form – completed by applicant and submitted along with …
An artist’s CV featuring selected projects, exhibitions, grants, past residencies, education and contact information. (attached in an email to mail.kalanirvana@gmail.com)
An Artist’s Statement (about 350-400 words) describing your current work and its significance and inspiration, as well as your technique and overall vision for your work.
A portfolio containing a selection of works (max. 10), in PDF or .jpg  format for visual art and writing, and MP3 or MP4 format for music, film or performance work. Please include data on dimensions, materials, production year, location, publication or performance dates, etc. (attached in an email to info.kalanirvana@gmail.com)

” spent 12-13 hour days in the best artist residency I’ve ever worked in without feeling bored or tired.”

— Daria B, artist in residence, June 2012

Why choose kalanirvana ? Quick response, experienced international curator host and guide and cultural,spiritual,historical and peaceful location.

  • We are currently taking applications for the following residency periods:

    click to check details -> :  International  : 

    Types of International Residency in KALA NIRVANA:

    1. ONE WORLD ONE FAMILY : Semi-Sponsored Residency International Open Residency: ( Minimum 15 Days to Maximum 6 Months + )
    2. INDIA WRITER’S RESIDENCY :  Semi-Sponsored Residency International Open Residency: ( Minimum 21 Days to Maximum 30 Days )
    3. CULTURE CURRY : SPECIAL : International Curated Residency :  ( Minimum 15 Days to Maximum 30 Days  )
    4. CULTURE RESIDENCY : International curated Residency : ( Minimum 15 days to maximum 45 days)
    5. YOUNG ART NIRVANA : Semi-Sponsored Residency for STUDENTS GROUP  under age of 30. ( 15 Days )
    6. PHOTO RESIDENCY : exclusive Guided Photo tour Residency for Photography enthusiasts .
    7. CURATORS’ MEET : International  : ( Fully Sponsored Residency for  8 days )

    DESCRIPTION Of International RESIDENCY FOR 2024-25

  • ONE WORLD ONE FAMILY  : Every year

    1. WINTER  – Jan 07 – Feb 08, Duration: Between 2-12 week resourced, self-directed residency –35% SPONSORED residency ( FEE : 500-800 $US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour + ART TALK + Interaction with local art circle): ( Tribal Fair, Dance festival Festival  special ) application
    2. FALL – Aug 05 – Dec 28, Duration: Between 2-12 week resourced, self-directed residency –35% SPONSORED residency ( FEE : 500-800 $US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour + ART TALK + Interaction with local art circle): (Ganesh Festival,  Diwali  Festival , Dashera Festival, Kali  festival, Laxmi Festival  special ) application

CULTURE CURRY : every year

  • SPRING  – February 12 – March 15  – – A one-month curated group residency for 6 global artists in Bhubaneswar, India. ( FEE : 800-1200 $US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour + bollywood film + ART TALK + Interaction with local art circle):  ( HOLI: COLOR FESTIVAL ) application 

INDIA WRITER’S Residency : Every Year      

  1.  WINTER : Jan 05 – Jan 27 – 3-4 week resourced, self-directed residency –35% SPONSORED residency ( FEE : 500-800 $US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour +  Writer  MEET + Interaction with local Literature circle): ( Book Fair, Tribal Fair, Music and Dance Festival  special ) application   
  2.     2. MONSOON : June 05 – June 27, INDIA WRITER’S Residency – 3-4 week resourced, self-directed residency –35% SPONSORED residency ( FEE : 500-800 $US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour +  Writer  MEET + Interaction with local Literature circle): ( Book Fair, Tribal Fair, Music and Dance Festival  special ) application


  1. EARLY SUMMER 2024 – March 20 – April 15, 2024 –– A  FULLY SPONSORED week long curated residency for 6 global curators and cultural managers in Bhubaneswar, India– ( SPONSORED Residency Including accommodation + food+ workshop + city tour + ART TALK ) application


  1. MONSOON – March 20-April 05 or Aug 05 – Aug 22,  Students Group Residency– 2-3 week resourced,  60% SPONSORED residency – ( FEE : 400$US PER PERSON  Including accommodation + food+ workshop +culture tour + city tour +  Interaction with local art circle) : ( Ganesh Festival Special ) application
     Note : The cost written above are including sponsorship.


click to check details ->:  For Indians Only

  1. Curated Residency for Indians Only ( Minimum 5 Days to Maximum 10 Days )